About Us

Main Sections of a Zonal Education Office

School Management Division
Providing advice regarding the administrative affairs of all schools in the jurisdiction of the education zone, making necessary interventions,
Giving approval for special and additional programs implemented in schools,
Conducting government exams
The school administration department has the legal responsibility to act on the property and physical resources of the schools.

Education Development Division
To maintain the quality of education of the students in the education zone.
Carrying out the necessary tasks for the development of all the subjects related to the school curriculum and making necessary interventions for the educational development of the school system by studying the achievement levels of the students.
Conducting various programs for school term tests, result analysis, teacher development, subject competitions, raising student achievement, subject development

Planning Division
Carrying out the task of using, distributing and analyzing as necessary, maintaining the numerical details and information about the human and physical resources of the schools and other educational institutions in the region.
Preparation of action plans and estimates related to education development, school administration work as well as zonal education office administration
Contribute to funding projects, educational research work coordination in the region

Department of Institutions and Governance
The main role of the Institutions and Control Branch is to provide the necessary facilities for the staff to maintain the optimal machinery in the areas of educational development, school administration and planning. This division administers all the corporate affairs related to the appointment, transfer, release, retirement of staff and their services in the region.

Financial Section
The main role of the Institutions and Control Branch is to provide the necessary facilities for the staff to The financial department is the branch that performs the financial management necessary for the proper execution of all kinds of services performed by a regional education office. The role of this department is very important especially for the proper implementation of educational development plans. The main function of the finance branch is the payment of all staff salaries and the provision of various financial services belonging to the education zone, and many tasks including the purchase of goods and services and the provision of provisions for various functions are under the responsibility of this branch. Controlled under the guidance and supervision of the Accountant, this branch provides financial reporting and financial services.


  • Supervision and regulation of admission of students to schools
  • Approval of timetables of schools
  • Carrying out school discipline and welfare work
  • Supervising and regulating school health promotion, drug prevention, epidemic disease prevention activities
  • Implementation of school feeding programs and supervision of canteens
  • Conduct preliminary investigations and make recommendations in disciplinary matters assigned to the Zonal Office
  • Selection and referral of students for various grants and scholarships
  • Organization and conduct of government examinations
  • Issuance of Second Copies of Student Performance Index, Verification of Education Certificates, Verification of Student Identity Cards
  • Recommend holding offset sessions in schools.
  • Grant approval for giving school premises and resources to external parties
  • Coordination activities of School Development Societies, Alumni Associations and regulation of their functioning
  • Coordination of disaster management activities
  • Conducting the activities of granting permission for study and field trips
  • Dealing with providing school uniforms and text books, teacher guide books, library books, learning equipment, student term tickets
  • Carrying out activities related to providing bursaries in grade 5
  • Carrying out activities related to the administration of approved private and aided schools
  • Acquiring land, settlement, carrying out activities related to settlement
  • Conducting internal evaluation, reporting and feedback on the work of the education administration department
  • Performing other duties as assigned by the Regional Director from time to time

Functions of Education Development Department

  • Responsibility and accountability for the systematic implementation of educational policies and prescribed curriculum
  • Submitting proposals for the preparation of annual medium-term and five-year plans related to the education sector development approach framework and programs.
  • Implementation of approved plans, progress review and regulation
  • Guidance for the organization of co-curricular and curricular activities in schools
  • Introducing and implementing curriculum reforms
  • Conducting performance review of subject directors and teacher advisors
  • Regulating and progressing by subject directors on project grants and quality inputs given to schools
  • Implementation of subject development programs on occasion
  • Analyzing student achievement levels and taking necessary steps to improve educational quality based on the findings
  • Organizing and implementing measures for teacher staff capacity development 3.2.11 Advising, evaluating and regulating the education development activities of divisional education offices and other educational institutions
  • Organization and conduct of regional level subject competitions
  • Implementation of external evaluation programs in schools, preparation of quality index and identifying development needs and acting accordingly
  • Regulation and necessary guidance of school internal evaluation function
  • Conducting internal evaluation, reporting and feedback of the Education Development Branch 3.2.16 Directing and implementing educational activities and non-formal education activities of children with special needs
  • Principal, teacher performance evaluation regulation and follow-up
  • Implementation of principal and teacher evaluation programs
  • Conduct educational research and prepare and implement project proposals based on findings.
  • Pre-school regulation and implementation of related development programs
  • Perform other duties assigned by the Regional Education Director from time to time